Alexander Ananoff was a person who lived his passion, the space exploration, and he dedicated to it a large part of his life.
This untiring self-taught man made it possible for the people to discover, since the 30′s, the advantages of space exploration for mankind. By virtue of his popularizer talent he succeeded to pass down his passion throughout conferences, symposiums, and publications, where many of his contemporary looked at him with contempt.
Thus, amongst other things, he helped Hergé for the redaction of the Tintin’s adventures on the Moon and he created the first International Astronautical Congress in 1950.
Alexandre Ananoff, l’Astronaute méconnu (Alexander Ananoff, the unknown Astronaut) written by Pierre-François Mouriaux and Philippe Varnoteaux is an exciting biography which enlighten us on the not well known life of the first French space exploration popularizer.
ISBN : 979-10-90686-20-5