Fin du différent juridique de OK-GLI
La cour de Bahreïn a ordonnée hier que la navette spatiale (OK-GLI), qui se situe à Bahreïn depuis 4 ans, soit rendue à ses propriétaires Russes. La navette était située à Bahreïn depuis mis-2002 à cause d’un problème juridique au sujet de son réel propriétaire.
La société Russe NPO Molniya l’avait vendue à la société Singapourienne Space Shuttle World Tour, mais avait déclaré peut de temps après la vente nulle auprès de la cour de Bahrein pour non paiements.
La haute cour de délit donna raison à NPO Molnya le 31 Octobre dernier et ordonna l’annulation du contrat de vente.
Néanmoins, la société Singapourienne s’opposa au verdict à la Cour Supreme Civil d’Appel qui valida le verdict original.
D’après les termes du contrat, la société Singapourienne devait payé $320 000 pour l’acquisition de la navette.
Elle devait payer en 2 fois ($160 000) en Avril 2002.
Néanmoins, elle ne remplis pas les termes du contrat en ne payant pas la 2em mensualité.
La navette a été amené à Bahreïn par Pico en Juillet 2002 et était une attraction du festival d’été de Bahreïn.
Pico avait négocié que le Space Shuttle World Tour la transporte ici, mais NPO interdit en 2002 que la navette soit envoyée en Thaïlande comme attraction touristique car la vente était nulle puisque Space Shuttle World Tour n’avait pas remplit les termes du contrat.
La Cour Supreme de Bahreïn a aussi ajouté hier que Pico, ainsi que n’importe quel autres sociétés n’avaient pas de droits sur la navette.
La Cour de Cassation de Bahreïn avait aussi surpassé un jugement précedent de la Haute Cour Civile pour empêcher que le différent soit jugé en dehors de la juridiction de Bahreïn.
Avant de venir à Bahreïn la navette avait été transporté en Australie en 2000 pour devenir une attraction touristique, mais qui ne réussit pas à générer assez de revenue pour rester ouverte.
Le Gulf Daily News rapporte aussi qu’en Septembre dernier des ouvriers avaient dormit à l’intérieur de la navette après s’y être introduit par un trou dans la structure.
Publié le: 30/03/2007 dans Bourane OK-GLI.
6 commentaires »
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Commentaire de Vassili Petrovitch
for now the situation of the shuttle is not clear. Normaly it should goes to that museum in Germany, and maybe they will lend it to the Malaysia exhibition (but nobody knows what shuttle they will use there).
I will know more in few weeks.
Commentaire de Margrit
Hello, there are some news at:
Commentaire de Hanan Sinar
The Hong Kong’s organiser is taking very high risk to have the idea that the Singaporean company will deliver the BURAN on time!!! Hahaha!
Commentaire de Sheikh Sobri Saeed
Hello! Very unlikely the Singapore company have to chance to ship OK-GLI to Hong Kong for the Hong Kong Space Shuttle 2007. Alot of people in HK will be very disapointed!
Commentaire de Margrit Elser
This is to inform you about the latest development according the Buran case in Bahrain.
Kevin Tan (Space Shuttle World Tour) has already lost six cases against NPO Molniya/Auto-und TechnikMuseum Sinsheim.
Nevertheless he recently filed a new case against Molniya claiming costs he would have had with the Buran over the last four years. This claim is based on the fact that he doesn´t recieve ownership. It is strange to make the owner responsible for costs which are the consequence of a default of payment.
Tan recieved another arrest on the Buran in order to save this strange claim. Even worse the jugde is not giving Molniya the possibilty to prevent a substitute security (guaranty/cash deposit).
Tan argues that he cannot estimate the full amount of his damage. His laywer is talking about 3.700.000 USD. But the lawsuit and the according fees are only 160.000 USD. Anyway the Bahraini court is not accepting any substitute security in order to give a quick release to Germany.
At the same time Tan is claiming ownership at casation court.
Tan has leased the Buran to Kuala Lumpur in October 2006 right at the time when he lost first level at High Civil Court about ownership (verdict 31 October) . This verdict ruled that the contract between Molniya and SSWT is non and void because of default of payment. The organizer in Kuala Lumpur most have paid some Million Dollars in advance to him.
In April Tan invited an old emoplyee of Molniya to come to Bahrain. This gentlemen had an old power of authorisation and transferred ownership of Buran to SSWT at a Bahraini notary. At the same time Tan was negotiating with the new management of Molniya. He exactly new about the circumstances. With the help of this document Tan tried to release the Buran. He was supported by a court order that harmed two other arrests on Buran. Finally Tan failed and following lost two new court cases with which he was claiming ownership becuase of this illegal document.
Meanwhile Tan leased the Buran again for another show in Honkong with his company Mactus International Ltd.. Please find information under .
The ornaizer in Hong Kong is confident to recieve the Buran right in time.
After the disaster of Kuala Lumpur it seems like Tan is abusing the Bahraini courts for another decieve. Please find additional information under:
It seems like the procedures will take some more time. Let us hope that the Bahraini courts are strong enough to prevent justice!
Commentaire de greg
Date: 17/04/2007, 10:20
Does this court decision mean OK-GLI will finally be sold to a museum in Germany? There are also reports that some version of Buran will be on display this summer in Malaysia ( Since it was supposed to be brought in from Bahrain, I assumed it was OK-GLI. Can you clear up the confusion?