
Nouvelles sur le site et le projet Bourane-Energia

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Merci d’avance.


Commentaire de Pierre
Date: 25/11/2006, 14:21

Je te félicite pour ce site très complet sur le sujet passionnant qu’est Bourane. Qu’il vive longtemps et qu’il s’enrichisse encore !

Commentaire de pascal guinet
Date: 28/01/2007, 9:46

je trouve votre site d’édier a bourane tout simplement exellent étant un grand fan des navettes spacial et de fuse etant moi même collectionneur de maquettes et divers produit derives le seul hic s’est que je ne trouve pas de maquette de bourane j’ai trouvé energia a l’echelle 1.96 en papercraft.merçi de me dire ou je poure trouvé bourane.merçi pour votre aides.

Commentaire de Luca
Date: 30/01/2007, 19:37

Wow! Your site is growing better and better! Congratulations indeed and thanks for sharing all this with the “non-russianspeaking” world.

Commentaire de Suzy
Date: 07/01/2007, 16:24

Congratulations, it is a very useful site! :)

Commentaire de Morten
Date: 15/01/2007, 11:25

Great site – thanks!!

Commentaire de nuredine
Date: 04/02/2007, 17:19

je suis fassiner par les moments de gloire de l aeronautique
sovietique aujourdhui cest mon jour de chance merci beaucoup

Commentaire de Anton
Date: 22/02/2007, 22:56

молодец ! очень полезный сайт, поздравляю тебя

Commentaire de way
Date: 02/03/2007, 22:01

Cool site, lots of info here..
i’ve got a question..So the real Buran which flew into orbit has been destroyed in year 2002 correct?
and there will be a aerospace exhibition in malaysia featuring the Buran space shuttle. Is this like a similar model?
Kindly email me if possible

Commentaire de Valek
Date: 03/03/2007, 22:41

Very cool website! But i have a question. Is the Buran project a copy from the shuttle project or backwards?

Also, you could make a forum. We, fans, would like to talk about russian space history…

Commentaire de Vassili Petrovitch
Date: 04/03/2007, 10:50


thank you for your comment.

The Buran project was to be a copy of the US shuttle but an improved
copy, to show to the world that Soviet engineers can do high tech
machines. You can find a more detailled answer on this document:

If you want to talk with fans about Buran and russian space you can go here:

But I don’t think I will make a forum only for my site.

Respectfully Vassili.

Commentaire de Bruce Rohn
Date: 30/03/2007, 17:18

Hello my name is Bruce-

I very much like this informative site about the Buran shuttle
Program, and I enjoy looking at this and other sites devoted to
the Russian shuttle program. I am an interested student of Russian
Space History.

I am doing some extensive research on the rescue suit that was to be worn by the cosmonauts of the Buran shuttle, the « Strizh »
suit. I would like to make this request to those who operate this
site or to others out there that may have information: is there
any pictures of the Strizh suit being used for training or testing?
Is there any technical documents or pictures that identify all the
parts of the suit including the hoses and hose hookups?

If you have such information please contact me at my e-mail
address. Thank You Very Much, Bruce

Commentaire de astro-notes
Date: 31/03/2007, 14:05

Super et instructif.

Merci pour cet excellent travail documentaire.



Commentaire de alex
Date: 12/04/2007, 2:05

hi nice site.

Commentaire de le mestre
Date: 12/04/2007, 19:50

les aventures de bourane se poursuivront dans le cosmos,je rêve.

Commentaire de Alexej N
Date: 22/04/2007, 18:51

First of all i must say you have a realy nice site and greate information
and history of Russian Space Industy.. manny things i did not know.. so KEEP
UP THE GOOD WORK, fans love what you have done :)

Commentaire de Schumacher
Date: 06/05/2007, 10:40

Excellent website, a very interesting read


Commentaire de Stoyan
Date: 06/05/2007, 19:08

excellent!!! keep up the good work. good luck

Commentaire de revan
Date: 03/06/2007, 16:48

Site fantastique , j’ignorais qu’il existait autant de documentation sur Bourane. La présentation et les éxplications sont vraiment superbes
Comme pour Concorde , les seuls mots qui me viennent à l’esprit quand je vois le sort de Bourane sont : quel gachis !!

Commentaire de Daniel
Date: 13/07/2007, 13:51

Je tiens a vous féliciter pour votre site. Il est tout simplement passinonant et vraiment complet. Il m’a permit de connaître une multitude de projets concernant la conquete spatiale russe qui m’étaient inconnus. Encore bravo !!!

Commentaire de Martin Attard
Date: 29/07/2007, 13:24

I think you buran-energia site is fantastic and many of my Space science students look at it for information. Great job!! Regards Martin

Commentaire de jason
Date: 14/08/2007, 6:43

Thank you for these details!!! I just found this site looking for space shuttle sites and now I can’t stop reading this site! Terrific work.


Commentaire de Nick
Date: 19/08/2007, 8:37

Excellent work indeed (for those who don’t know russian to read the russian site).
But don’t be so certain that currently Russia don’t have any Buran Shuttle operating!
Of course they don’t take off from Baikonour (which is ready to close) as Russia has other 3 well known kosmodromes (and one new).
After all the Buran Project is a Military Project so any info from the part of Russians is unlikely to reach us!
By the way….notice how the OC-120 look alike with the space shuttle! (with the space shuttle stripped down!)…Coincidence? Maybe!
And by ALL MEANS…..I do not believe russians (they say they stopped the production of Buran BTC-2) – they do not waste their time and throw away things!
And – Believe me – they keep their secrets well hidden!
Who knows maybe one day they will show us the suuccessor of BTC-2!

Commentaire de Apolloman
Date: 12/09/2007, 20:29

Superbe site pour un superbe engin, une véritable mine d’or, bonne continuation..


Commentaire de Vassili Petrovitch
Date: 12/09/2007, 20:31

Merci confrère ;)

Commentaire de Benoit
Date: 30/09/2007, 12:50

Très sincèrement votre site est très impressionnant. Beaucoup de photos et de textes, qui plus est en français : chose rare ! Félicitations.

Commentaire de astro-notes
Date: 30/09/2007, 13:26

Toujours aussi bon, toujours aussi bien renseigné.



Commentaire de CdB
Date: 11/10/2007, 21:08

Ce site est ce que sont les mines d’or au monde. Un minerai pur à contempler sans se lasser!

Commentaire de Matthew Bentley
Date: 21/10/2007, 18:15

Thank you so much! Your website is great.

Commentaire de Jean-Paul Rouquié
Date: 23/11/2007, 10:44

Toujours de belles choses a voir et a revoir …
Serait il possible d’avori des nouvelles de « Mriya » ?, vole t il toujours ?, pour le compte de qui ?… et ou ?

Commentaire de Olivier
Date: 27/11/2007, 0:29

Un excellent site, complet, documenté et bien organisé. Passionnant.

Contrôleur aérien

Commentaire de michael faulkenberry
Date: 11/12/2007, 7:01

Can you allow your photographs of the Buran become available to sale on your website?WOW! Great views of the Buran on the launch pad that I have NEVER seen. Great website.Iam glad I found it. I hope the Russians will keep designing more spacecraft to help explore what is out there in space. I welcome their knowledge and friendship and hope they will continue to help with the development of the International Space Station.

Commentaire de Phillip Clark
Date: 14/12/2007, 23:23

First of all, congratulations on your web site! It is an excellent resource for material relating to Energiya and Buran.

Keep up the good work!

Phil Clark

Commentaire de Don
Date: 27/12/2007, 17:48

Nice site, Excellent material

Commentaire de Richard
Date: 12/01/2008, 14:06

Hello Vassilli, what a fantasticly interesting site you have. I found all i ever wanted to know and more. It is really sad that this more advanced space shuttle program had to end and could not contribute to the multi national space program we have today. I also find the pictures of the abandoned shuttles facinating like the one in Gorky park. How can such a beautiful thing be turned into an amusement. I am glad that the last remenants are being preserved and given the high status they deserve. Thank you, Richard.

Commentaire de Nico
Date: 26/03/2008, 22:44

Site qui fait rêver, tout comme le programme buran ! Heureusement que le net existe, que les enfants d’aujourd’hui comprennent qu’il n’y a pas qu’une navette américaine.
Qu’on a fait mieux, et que demain nous réserve encore bien plus.

Commentaire de jacques blancard
Date: 09/04/2008, 11:38

trés bon site! merci

Commentaire de Daniel
Date: 16/04/2008, 1:01

This is an excellent site!

It’s quite difficult to get much information on Buran in English, and even harder to find information which seems reliable. It’s very much appreciated.

Commentaire de Uwe
Date: 06/05/2008, 11:35

Privet ! I just stumbled into your site while searching for the antonov 225 and now i’m still here reading all the other pages as well.

It is a bit sad to see the advanced stages of russian technology only now thanks to the internet.

You made a very nice site, cool photos and information. Thank you !

Commentaire de
Date: 19/05/2008, 12:48

très joli site web. espérons recevoir bientôt de vos nouvelles

Commentaire de 十字绣
Date: 04/07/2008, 8:35

trés bon site! merci

Commentaire de stooks
Date: 08/07/2008, 23:02

I was browsing the net, looking for information on how I can make a trip to Baikonur and I landed here. Thank God I did :-)

What an really interesting and informative site, especially of course, the pages detailing your trip to see a launch.

Thanks, merci.

Commentaire de Pat Farling
Date: 18/07/2008, 2:30

Even though the Space Shuttle has stolen much of the fame from every space program, the Buran-Energia combination was quite impressive.

I can only imagine what could have happened had the Soviet Union and the United States collaborated on it in a joint reach for the stars. And, with the impending NASA switchover to the Ares multistage booster system, I can think of no better time to potentially revisit this impressive program.

The information presented here is impressively detailed – more than the mere passing mention I’ve seen in a book detailing the past century of manned flight.

Commentaire de Pascal Tourres
Date: 22/07/2008, 10:00

Bonjour et merci pour ce site très bien renseigné !
Je viens de finir un ouvrage qui pourrait venir enrichir la bibliographie de ce site tout en sachant qu’il décrit le programme spatial russe avant bourane. Il s’agit de « De Spoutnik à la Lune », l’histoire secrète du programme spatial russe.
En tout cas, merci !

Commentaire de Svartving
Date: 23/10/2008, 1:19

Congrats! I’m really glad to see such an awesome site, edited by such a devout fan of Buran. Really nice layout, very useful, detailed and interesting info… Good work!

Commentaire de Bib
Date: 22/11/2008, 0:21

When I was 15, I saw a real flight of Bourane in Paris-Le Bourget during the biannual space/sky show. It was a wonderful thing you cant’ forget.

Quand j’avais 15 ans, j’ai vu Bourane voler au salon aéronautique du Bourget. Inoubliable !

Commentaire de Richard
Date: 22/11/2008, 13:46

A very good site.

Commentaire de Ghost Rider
Date: 04/01/2009, 21:09

Bonne année 2009, longue vie à votre site.

Votre site sur Buran est vraiment TRèS impressionnant ! Toutes mes félicitations.

Commentaire de Jim
Date: 13/01/2009, 8:02

I was looking for the info. of RD-264 but it landed here. Thanks a lot for the detailed info. of your tour trip to Baikonur. Very helpful for my future tour plan.

Commentaire de knut
Date: 20/02/2009, 1:28

I was reading about Energomash RD 180 and ended up here with the well known Buran.(again) But Energomash RD 180 is quite a construction.Allmost an unbelievable combustion technique.

Commentaire de chambon yohan
Date: 24/02/2009, 17:24

Bourane revient. I miss u

Commentaire de Thomas Ernst
Date: 25/02/2009, 20:07

Ich denke, es kommen wieder die guten Zeiten für den ukrainischen Flugzeughersteller Antonov!!!
Ich selbst bin der allergrößte Fan aller Antonovbaureihen!!!

Commentaire de Thomas Ernst
Date: 03/03/2009, 17:47

Big Greetings to Mr. Vasilli Petrovitch!!!!

Commentaire de Petro Balabujev
Date: 05/03/2009, 20:26

Come on Vasilli!!! Let´s Assembly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Commentaire de Ersatz Pinchbeck
Date: 23/03/2009, 18:26

Hadn’t been here in awhile. Wonderful site! Thanks for taking the time to make this! Cheers :-)

Commentaire de Tiverius
Date: 13/04/2009, 17:21

I saw you site and it is really so nice and interesting and I would like to thank you for creating this.

Commentaire de Rainer Gross
Date: 14/04/2009, 13:00

What a fantastic site! Well documented, illustrated and researched. What a shame that Nasa and Esa aren’t a little bit more open minded looking into the technologies that are already available in Russia and other eastern Countries. (eg Energia as heavy lifter for Nasa’s (sad step-back) ‘new’ space capsule.

Commentaire de migluver
Date: 17/04/2009, 11:16

Nice work

Commentaire de Keith
Date: 29/04/2009, 17:46

Thank you so much for such an interesting, facinating site.

I have really enjoyed reading through it and the detailed pictures and information have been so interesting.

I never really knew how advanced the project was so thank you for all the knowledge

Commentaire de directory
Date: 07/06/2009, 16:03

You’re website looks very good, it was a pleasure to be on you’re. Keep on the good work

Commentaire de tip
Date: 14/06/2009, 19:43

This site is put together well!

Commentaire de tip
Date: 02/07/2009, 1:53

I have admire your unselfishness in taking the time to make this web site.

Commentaire de reviews
Date: 07/07/2009, 15:48

My English not so good but thank for lovely site with information I looking for and need also.

Commentaire de Stan Lackey
Date: 29/07/2009, 0:54

Phillip Clarke, If you read this please send me your email address. My PC crashed and Kevin and I are trying to find you.

Phil is a dear friend of mine (and French M.D.) who fly’s a Antonov AN-2. We have been friends for years but due to a computer crash I lost all my contact information.

IF you know Phil Clarke, of how to get a hold of him would you please let him know that his old friend Stan Lackey, and Stan’s cousing Kevin Van Horn are is trying to find his email address.

Thank you for your help

Stan L.

Commentaire de sergei
Date: 29/07/2009, 19:18

onepaun extraordinaire

Commentaire de visit now
Date: 05/08/2009, 16:44

thank you for your wonderful web site. I liked it very, very much.

Commentaire de visit
Date: 19/08/2009, 14:59

Sehr informative Seite. Vielen Dank für die Infos!

Commentaire de reviews
Date: 18/09/2009, 8:35

Thank you. You have helped someone more than you could know.

Commentaire de T
Date: 20/09/2009, 18:13

Russia needs to restart the Buran program. It’s potential is endless.

Commentaire de Hillary
Date: 25/10/2009, 17:34

This site is very helpful and enrich. visitors will surely be benefited. Thanks!!

Commentaire de ron
Date: 05/12/2009, 0:53

nice to know a great website like this one. more people must read this website.

Commentaire de nagler
Date: 05/12/2009, 0:55

I was looking through your website and wanted to drop you a complement. This is a great site. I will pass it on…

Commentaire de Marian Such
Date: 17/01/2010, 21:24

Many thanks for wonderful website! Great source of resources!

Commentaire de Nick N
Date: 20/01/2010, 3:11

Great Website! Thank you for all of the information! The videos and hundreds of pictures are very nice too.

Commentaire de Rogerio Ribas, Brazil
Date: 28/01/2010, 13:52

American Space Shuttle Program is almost over. Their spaceships won’t take off any more. What are the possibilities Buran Space Shuttle Program rebirth? I’ve already heard Buran Spaceship is better than the American one. I am sure Russian scientists can do it brilliantly. My sincerely congratulations for the Buran Project.

Commentaire de Vassili Petrovitch
Date: 01/02/2010, 16:10

The Buran program can’t be resurected. After the launch of 1988 funding becomes to deacrease drastically, and it was stopped in 1992 so quickly that they didn’t have enough money to made shut it down properly. So this proves that they didn’t really want a space shuttle. Moreover, we can see now that a space shuttle of this size is not interesting (it’s too large). Few years ago Energia tried to make a new shuttle the Kliper, but the project didn’t work either. So now the way to make and develop reentry vehicules are not based on shuttle type, but more on capsule like Soyuz.
To answer your other question, yes Buran had some advantages in comparison of the American space shuttle. The security was a main aspect of the Buran’s development phase. The heat shield was also more efficiant. You can see here: the main differences between those two systems.

Commentaire de Veranys
Date: 04/02/2010, 22:16

Bravo !
A la fois pour votre travail et à la fois pour celui des ingénieurs et techniciens !
Que sont-ils devenus ?
En filigrane, ce site renverse les clichés que l’on nous assènent sur le peuple slave…

Commentaire de DESS
Date: 15/02/2010, 7:06

Are there any more informations about 1.02 Ptichka?

Whats its status at the moment?


Commentaire de Vassili Petrovitch
Date: 15/02/2010, 9:12

Hello, there is no more informations available about the Ptichka, it’s still in the MZK building at Baikonur. No pictures haven’t been posted since 2004.

Commentaire de Apidej Chaiwan
Date: 09/03/2010, 6:24

Hello Buran Energia.
from Datatech.

Commentaire de Jukka Janhunen
Date: 29/03/2010, 22:13

Absolutely fantastic site about the Buran shuttle. It has everything you need to know about Buran – though I would like to know some more information about Russian KMU-series composites. Their density and strengths etc.

Best regards,

Commentaire de Mr. Scott
Date: 10/04/2010, 19:49

i came across your site while desining a refit desige that was emlated in x-plane…check this out..i think you of all fans would like to fly the buran model to orbit

Commentaire de Matevž Markovič
Date: 21/07/2010, 12:25

I feel that Energia is the way to go to Mars.

Commentaire de Vassili Petrovitch
Date: 22/07/2010, 10:21

Yes it was built for this purpose, but unfortunatly Energia LV will not be rebuilt. The new launch vehicle for Russia is Angara.

Commentaire de Melinda Karpov
Date: 13/10/2010, 17:26

Well done for this very interesting website. I really like its articles and it made me learn more about the Buran Space Shuttle. I feel that the newest project of the Space Hotel is no longer to be science-fiction. Wish you all the best of luck to everyone on the Buran project. Well done for this very nice and interesting website.

Commentaire de SGWW
Date: 02/11/2010, 19:50

Great. Your make realy usefull job … Good luck … Greeting from Russia, Moscow :)

Commentaire de Melinda Karpov
Date: 03/11/2010, 16:50

I wish that I would do a tribute video about the Buran. It began to interest me and now I am still on two video and I have to complete them. I will let everyone know when this tribute video will be on. I wish that the Buran will be back. Wish everyone the best of luck and health.

Commentaire de Farhad Kalantar
Date: 15/11/2010, 17:43

Tank`s for this site. I love AN225. this site is very very god.

Commentaire de Horst
Date: 02/01/2011, 20:30

Many thanks for the efforts to create this nice site !

I enjoy the story of Buran very much and pitty that it only
flew once !

Congratz from Austria.

Commentaire de sebastien sauvage
Date: 05/01/2011, 22:11

Bravo pour votre site très fidel à ce que j’ai vu sur place. J’ai d’autres photos du musée Energia, j’en ai de la Star city et de Baikonour, si vous le souhaitez vous pouvez me contacter. Encore merci pour votre site et vos explications.

Commentaire de alice
Date: 24/01/2011, 21:39

Félicitations pour ce site, enfin un site sur Bourane en français ! Bravo.

Commentaire de Dominic
Date: 14/03/2011, 15:14

Great site! The best in English on the Energia, its payloads and many others. I love the richness of photos and info. The site also has news. is made even better by the fact that it has NO ads. It should be left that way. I love this site, and I visit it frequently. Great job!

Commentaire de Bernhard
Date: 27/05/2011, 17:46

Last month I was visiting the Technik-Museum Speyer, Germany, to see Buran OK-GLI. Back home I wanted to find out more about Buran and found your website. ITS FANTASTIC! It gave me a lot of informations about Buran, Energija etc. Thank you for creating and maintaining this website.
Greetings from Germany

Commentaire de Kevin Carr
Date: 01/06/2011, 11:17

Thank you for an interesting and informative website.

Commentaire de lamort
Date: 12/07/2011, 11:57

vraiment impressionnant !
superbe travail !
merci à vous.

Commentaire de Chris Orwoll
Date: 01/09/2011, 0:42

Was perusing your site about the various museums and Russian craft. Very impressive and informative. I run a space museum in the United States that covers U.S. and Russian space history in detail. We have a flown Voskhod and unflown Vostok capsule here, as well as many other Russian artifacts. I have a couple questions for you about the Buran(s)…could you please contact me via e-mail when you have opportunity. Once again, great site…keep up the good work!
Sincerely, Chris Orwoll
President & CEO, Kansas Cosmosphere and Space Center

Commentaire de Jean
Date: 27/10/2011, 18:54

l’espace et sa conquête m’émerveille depuis ma tendre enfance je trouves que c’est la plus grande aventure humaine. Et c’est tellement dommage que de tels projets soit abandonnées pour une simple raison d’argent. tant de progrès on été dérivé des avancées spatiale! Super site web on aimerais encore la voir voler



Commentaire de Walter
Date: 07/11/2011, 21:11



Commentaire de sj
Date: 24/11/2011, 17:12

first salute of this master minds

i have one question if they have all knowledge experience then why then not able to build it again because it good technology at than and now

Commentaire de Vassili Petrovitch
Date: 25/11/2011, 10:09

They didn’t continue this launcher because they didn’t need a super-heavy launcher for the space projects in the 90′s. Moreover it was developed in collaboration with other countries of the USSR (such as Ukraine) that became foreign country after 1991.
Those are the main reasons.

Commentaire de Adelegn
Date: 19/12/2011, 10:34

I appreciate you! it is a brillant idea.

Commentaire de Fabio
Date: 03/06/2012, 21:24

Man, i’m from Brasil and i’ve have just found This web site! Promise you i’ll surf it Alleghannies way down. congrattultions!

Commentaire de Wesley
Date: 13/06/2012, 18:52

Excellent source of information. The MAKS should definitely be restored.

Commentaire de Jack
Date: 30/08/2012, 16:01

Thanks much for the useful info and perspective on this interesting aspect of Soviet space science and engineering.

I have heard that the Soviet Union also had a major project similar to the US Apollo program to explore the moon but that it was canceled after Apollo XI’s success. Do you know of a website similar to yours that explores the Soviet moon endeavor?

Commentaire de Vassili Petrovitch
Date: 30/08/2012, 16:17

Thank you for the comment.
Yes it’s right the Soviets developed a program to land a man on the Moon but after Apollo 11′s success they decided to change it to a permanent lunar base project. Which unfortunately didn’t succeed either because of the failure of their launcher the N1.
I don’t know websites dedicated to this program, but you can search « Rocket N1″ you will find very interesting informations even if their are not so many.

Commentaire de Pascal Magic
Date: 04/11/2012, 15:47

Wow! I am a privat pilot who lives in switzerland and a owner of a small little cessna f150f (reims) it`s a little smaller as your buran! (smile) .
very nice picture. I hope in one time I have a chance see the buran live.
Have a good time . Regards Pascal

Commentaire de Umzug Wyssenbach
Date: 21/01/2013, 10:38

I like history and especially the history of aviation and achievements thereof. It is amazing what mankind has reached and sometimes it scares me thinking of what in total will be possible to man. There seem to be almost no boundaries and limitations.
Also not to forget: Through the race of trying to be the first ones, the nations have collaborated in this goal of reaching the moon. – Amazing!!!

Commentaire de nohh
Date: 14/02/2013, 19:02

Thank you for your interesting website and informative posts.
greetings from germany

Commentaire de Eric
Date: 01/02/2014, 20:03

Thank you for a very interesting site and contribution to documeting the history of space travel.
Greetings from the Netherlands

Commentaire de seongyoonjeon
Date: 02/02/2014, 17:16


My name is Seongyoon Jeon from south korea.

I really want to know about (1) the total number of spacewalk since 1965.
and I heard that when Alexey Leonov was spacewalking at 1965, it was broadcasted to people.

(2) Was it broadcasting live across the country? or recording?

I’ve been trying to find those things. but I couldn’t. (because of my full searching ability, and full english skill…)

While Searching for those things, I found this site. and I think you may know that. So I comment.

If you know about it, could you tell me ?

I’m so sorry that I’m bothering you.

thank you.

Seongyoon Jeon

Commentaire de Vassili Petrovitch
Date: 03/02/2014, 11:47

I don’t know how many people had space walks since Leonov. Since the ISS programm the number has increase a lot.
The spacewalk of Leonov was recorded and not broadcasted live.

Commentaire de seongyoonjeon
Date: 04/02/2014, 3:26

Thanks for the information.

I heard that Leonov took a motion picture(publicity movie) while spacewalking for 12minutes.
The thing that broadcated to people was what Leonov took in space?
I would like to know more details at the then situation.

Best regards,

Commentaire de Vassili Petrovitch
Date: 14/02/2014, 16:49

At the begining of his space walk he lost his camera. So what we can see in video was what was shoot by another camera on the spacecraft.
If you are interested you can read more on wikipedia:

Commentaire de Ignacio Caceres
Date: 03/07/2014, 4:33

Congratulations for such a nice site devoted to the great Buran. As an engineer myself I must tell my sincere admiration for the creators of such an advanced and beautiful machine.
Too bad she no longer can fly… it should have been only the first of many space journeys. The Cold War is over, the Soviet Union no longer exist but is a pity that the spark of gentle engeneering competiton between the two super-powers has desappeared also.
The 21 century is really boring, dull and disappointing.
Spasiva! Gracias por todo – Thank you very much and greetings from Uruguay.

Commentaire de Jeff Newberg
Date: 12/12/2014, 18:05

Greetings from the USA. The website is great! Most people in my country have not heard about Buran. I have learned much from your site. I am glad I can now show people the USSR had a shuttle program.

Best Wishes,

Commentaire de Alex Oliveira
Date: 20/04/2015, 21:26

Amazing Site

Commentaire de Nick Ferraiolo
Date: 29/09/2015, 5:21

I have a question about OK-GLI (Buran BTS-02). In some of the pictures I have seen of this test vehicle, it seems to have a full suite of thermal tiles. If BTS-02 was built only for atmospheric (aerodynamic) trials, why would it need thermal tiles?

Commentaire de Vassili Petrovitch
Date: 29/09/2015, 7:38

Hello, no the tiles are fake the shuttle was built only for atmospheric and landing tests.

Commentaire de Sara
Date: 29/09/2015, 19:07

Nice site. However, I had to laugh at the assertion that « the space shuttle Buran is entirely of Soviet design ». Buran was obviously derived from the American shuttle, and re-engineered in places where it was expedient to do so.

Commentaire de Philippe
Date: 20/12/2015, 10:28

Bravo a vous pour avoir créé ce blog très bien documenté et très intéressant .
Vive ENERGIA-BURAN , vive la sainte Russie éternelle , cette réalisation devrait faciliter grandement la conquête de Mars !

Commentaire de Michael Walker
Date: 06/06/2016, 1:00

Can anyone tell me the minimum runway requirement for an Atlant when fully loaded.

Commentaire de constance
Date: 30/06/2016, 11:51

MAGNIFIQUE blog, bravo et merci à vous pour ce travail

Commentaire de Jay Flaxman
Date: 17/02/2017, 21:59

Hi Vassili, fantastic site. I would like to talk to you about the Buran. Are you available next week for a telephone call?

Commentaire de Jorge Robledo
Date: 19/02/2018, 0:03

The Buran-Energiya project was such an extraordinary and magnificent step forward in the conquest of space, shame it came at such a delicate time and the disastrous fall of the USSR put an early end to its ventures. The website does a great job at keeping it alive, despite American efforts to banish it to the dustbin of history. Keep up the good work!

Commentaire de Lucas Meadows
Date: 24/02/2018, 4:03

Thank you for preserving the interesting technical and historical details of the Buran project and the Energia rockets on your website Vassili Petrovitch. May it never be taken down from the internet and stand as a testament to the accomplishments of the CCCP.

Commentaire de Azguendare
Date: 18/07/2018, 21:37

Un site exceptionnel !!!! Merci beaucoup de préserver un tel héritage en nous partageant autant d’informations juste…. inédites et pour certaines incroyablement enrichissantes. La banque photographique est elle, unique <3

Commentaire de Mark
Date: 24/04/2019, 2:31

Great site
it’s been difficult to get much information on Buran in English though

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